Wow, dreams can be super scary. Why? Because they're big! And big scary dreams require action… Especially when you feel God calling you to those dreams.
Sometimes I seriously question myself. Sometimes I wonder if I am addicted to being uncomfortable, or being all over the place. Is there something in my heart that can't just rest? Because every time I get to a place of rest just around the corner is another big scary dream that is going to pop up. And knowing myself I will pursue it relentlessly until achieved.
BUT, I believe God has a divine acceleration for your life, and mine.
I believe God is a rewarder of those who seek the LORD diligently.
So after a lot of stirring in my heart I decided to take a trip to LA and disconnect from the world. Spend a week in prayer, meditation, and worship. Eat clean, and work out. Surround myself with God's beautiful creation, the mountains, the ocean; and just be.
While I was there I prayed a lot! For clarity specifically. I actually prayed that God would correct me, because I clearly heard Him wrong. I asked Him to give me a no. He screamed Yes. I asked Him to shut it down and He opened doors. My heart ached, because I knew I needed to obey. But I didn't necessarily like what He put on my heart. Not because I didn't enjoy what he was asking me to do, I didn't enjoy how He was asking me to do it.
I didn’t enjoy Him asking me to pursue this dream because of how uncomfortable this dream was about to make me. I didn’t like the fact that it meant being away from “home” more, as I just got comfortable there. I didn’t enjoy the fact that I am having to be vulnerable and restart on many areas of my life. I didn’t enjoy the fact that this dream made me feel inadequate in comparison and it marked a big X on my back for spiritual attack. It scared me that I knew what God spoke would happen. It scared me that maybe that's not what I want in life? It scared me that being in this dream would hold me accountable. And most of all it scared me that I’m about to step into such great promise that no scheme of man can pull me from.
Guys! That's a terrifyingly awesome place to be. And I've learned it's healthy to say I don't know. I don't know what I’m doing... But God does. It’s healthy to be fearful of how powerful God's words are (in a good way)! It’s natural to be scared to do God's work. I know for me the big fear comes in when I think about where God is taking me, and when I think about me failing Him. It’s bound to happen, right? Because I am human. But don't let the fear of failing God keep you from dreaming big things over what God has promised over you.
I am going to chose to stay in God’s promise.
I am going to chose to listen, no matter the cost.
I am going to chose to dream the big scary dreams.
I am going to chose to obey.
I am going to see what God does.
There is a lot of people who don’t believe God is generous. Any big dream will get critic.
But God is generous, He loves His people, and His demands are greater than our ability to catch up.
God is going to put that fast forward on your life too.
He is generous, good, and wants to give us wisdom.
He will not give us a promotion that's going to destroy us.
You don’t have to compromise, the world goes around the mountain, God goes through it-- Actually God throws the mountain into the sea. The world doesn’t even know they are in the sea.
As my pastor Alex Seeley puts it so beautifully, “The Creator is waiting for creation to create! Because there is a glory and a worship that occurs in being uniquely resounding in who you are created to be. Bringing specific elements of worship, that if you worship someone else's plan you actually rob that bit of worship and you rob the earth of that bit of beauty. It’s time for us to begin to flood the earth with the beauty of God.”
You are called to create, invent, think beyond. Lay hands on the sick and be healed.
How bold are you? “Greater things than these I’ve called you to.” Just tap into them. Just stop and tune in, still your heart. What big dream is God stirring inside of you?
It’s okay to feel goofy… It’s okay to think it's unrealistic. It’s okay to be scared. It’s okay to not know! Lean in closer to God, because I promise you He will reveal what He stirring inside of you if you ask Him.