There is a note in my phone that has been saved for 101 weeks now. For the first time since I wrote it down I’ve come across it. Take a moment to think about where you were 101 weeks ago? Almost exactly two years ago. You probably don’t remember, do you? I remember… I remember exactly what happened 101 weeks ago.
I was currently working at a boutique in Franklin, TN. I recently on a whim applied for a flight attendant position at Southwest Airlines. About two months had passed and I hadn’t received a phone call. I was really down on myself. I really felt like becoming a flight attendant was what I was supposed to do. I felt called into ministry, mission work, teaching, and loving on people… Being a flight attendant would allow me to be flexible with my time, take time off to travel, to minister, to do mission work, to teach and love on people.
I was going to college and nothing felt “right”. I was longing for this sense of belonging to coincide with my purpose in life. I was seeking every possible direction. I remember this day clearly… I had been crying earlier before going in to work. I was a full time student working two jobs and I felt I was burning my candle at both ends. This woman walked into the boutique and I didn’t say hi. I didn’t even make eye contact with her. I was hurting. I didn’t want to talk. Anyone who knows me, knows that this isn’t normal behavior for me. To someone who doesn't know me, well, it just seemed like I was a typical bitchy 20 year old.
As she walked around the boutique I didn’t look up from the register once. Before I knew it she left, and I kicked myself for how rude I was. Maybe 5 minutes had passed and the same girl was standing right in front of me holding out a cup of hot tea.
“I got this for you.” she said as she handed me the cup.
I looked at her very confused.
“I know you don’t know me, but I was in here just a few minutes ago and I couldn’t help but sense that something was wrong.” she continued. “I just really feel on my heart that I’m supposed to share these words with you.”
Seconds later she spoke the words that have been typed in my phone for 101 weeks now.
“You are not hidden. God sees you, and it may be tough right now, and you may be wondering if you’re at the right place, or doing there right thing, but you’re exactly where He wants you. Your time is coming and you won’t be blinded from what God is calling you to do.”
And just like that I crumbled in front of this stranger who I was so incredibly rude to just 10 minutes prior.
I sobbed.
Like, ugly cry sobbed.
I couldn’t stop. Her words pierced through me as if God had spoken them himself.
That day changed me, it changed how I looked at life, how I viewed people, and it reminded me to always speak what I feel on my heart because you have no idea how much the person on the receiving end may need to hear it.
I haven’t looked at that note since, mainly because its been ingrained in my DNA. But isn’t it amazing, how just when your heart starts to forget that beautiful reminder God lets you stumble across that note again?
Here I am, 101 weeks later. Working as a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines. I just got back from Thailand, witnessing first hand incredible people changing lives all because they believed, and God revealed His timing. I am exactly where I wanted to be 101 weeks ago, yet I still relate to this note. Feeling like I’m not in the right place, or maybe not doing the right thing.
Our hearts will always long for more, because we were created for more. We were created for more than just viewing each day the same. We were created for more, and loved more than the sun and the moon, and everything that keeps earth spinning in orbit. You are still alive, still breathing because you have purpose, God is not done with you… You are NOT hidden. God sees you, and it may be tough right now, and you may be wondering wondering if you’re at the right place, or doing there right thing, but you’re exactly where He wants you. Your time is coming and you won’t be blinded from what God is calling you to do.
Don’t ever forget this beautiful reminder.
*** Also, keep a look out, a blog post about my incredible trip to Thailand is headed your way this week :)